Model                       :                   Norman 20

Cockpit                    :                   Rear

Year                           :                  ??

Engine & Fuel         :                  Outboard petrol

Capacity                   :                  40 hp

Toilet                         :                  Portapotti


I have just bought this boat and it is a project for myself and my father to have time together. Should be good fun as my dads great at joinery and I'm good at painting it should turn out alright. Fingers crossed! I named the boat after my last horse, which was put to sleep after breaking her leg.

We intend to use Mishka on Ullswater but I'm not sure which year before she's ready although I may put her in the Lancaster Canal. I have included some Pictures as she was when I bought her. I bought her from EBay

My dad and I have built a new toilet compartment in the cockpit and fitted new benches and rear board with lockers and an access panel to the engine. All the wood has been to be varnish or painted with more coats but shes starting to bit a lot better. I've ordered a new canopy from Coverit. Pity about the weather.